

Over Paulien_Nauw

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So far Paulien_Nauw has created 22 blog entries.

Upcoming PhD defenses 2024


Our group's upcoming public PhD defenses are: January 2024 Maryam Ahmadian   November 2024 November 01, 2024 -  12.45 p.m. Synthesis of lipids from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the pheromone from Margarodes prieskaensis (Jakubski) Guillaume Le Calvez Location: Academy building RUG     All further dates and other details will be updated when known.

Upcoming PhD defenses 20242024-08-01T09:01:40+00:00

Sinterkerst 2023


Sinterkerst 2023 As always, our yearly Sinterklaas/Christmas (Kerst)/holiday mash-up party was a lot of fun. Throughout the week, we decorated the Christmas tree at the coffee corner and indulged in all the Sinterklaas sweets provided by our lovely secretary, Janka. Then, on Friday afternoon, we kicked off our party with a pub quiz, accompanied by [...]

Sinterkerst 20232023-12-14T14:26:09+00:00

‘University chemists are there to acquire knowledge, not to solve problems’ -C2W interview


“'I find it worrying that nowadays organic synthesis can often be narrowed down to just the development of building blocks. That's good in itself, but it shouldn't stop there. Synthesis is broader, you are also an architect. You are looking for structure, a function or a property and you have to build that into a [...]

‘University chemists are there to acquire knowledge, not to solve problems’ -C2W interview2023-12-14T14:25:35+00:00

Upcoming PhD ceremonies


After summer our group's upcoming public PhD defenses are: September Michiel Uiterweerd - "On the Synthesis of lugdunomycins and Related Metabolites from Streptomyces" The ceremony will take place on September 19, 16:15 at the academy building of the University of Groningen. October Hung Chien Lin - "Development of Sustainable Esterification Reactions and the Transformation of [...]

Upcoming PhD ceremonies2023-12-14T13:19:19+00:00

Stratingh day 2023


Every year, the Stratingh institute organizes an institute day where the entire institute gathers for a enjoyable day of activities and the opportunity to interact with colleagues from all corners of the institute. The Stratingh institute day of 2023 was held at the Biotoop in Haren, commencing in the morning with lectures and poster presentations [...]

Stratingh day 20232023-08-08T11:42:42+00:00

We are finalists -Henkel challenge Innovate2023


Excited to announce that our team is one of the finalists in the challenge INNOVATE2030-SDG13 Innovation Challenge “More sustainable surfactants for home & personal cleaning products". Henkel has now selected the finalists for the Elaboration Phase, out of more than 152 program submissions. Replacing fossil based surfactants is not as easy as we think. Bio [...]

We are finalists -Henkel challenge Innovate20232023-09-01T13:09:36+00:00

LEAF Bronze award for Sustainability


Over the years, we have consistently explored ways to enhance the environmental friendliness of our laboratories. This has included using air reflux condensers instead of water, substituting all oil baths with heating blocks, promoting chemical sharing, transitioning to electronic lab journals to streamline experimentation processes and eliminate the need for paper journals to be stored [...]

LEAF Bronze award for Sustainability2023-08-08T11:48:54+00:00

Lunteren symposium 2023


Our group members Michiel Uiterweerd , Zonghao Lin and Daan Bunt  gave lectures during the yearly Lunteren (Wageningen) Symposium. The topics included: ‘Total synthesis of lugdunomycin by a biomimetic reaction cascade’ (Michiel Uiterweerd), ‘Divergent Total Synthesis Of Meroterpenoids From Ganoderma Mushrooms’ (Daan Bunt) and ‘Asymmetric Total Synthesis and Structure Revision of Di-O-acyl Trehalose DAT2, an [...]

Lunteren symposium 20232023-08-08T11:07:14+00:00

Ganoderma mushroom synthesis


For the first time, a number of substances from the mushroom family Ganoderma have been combined in a total synthesis. Read all about it in our article in the European Journal of Organic Chemistry. The Ganoderma mushrooms have been used in traditional East Asian medicine for over 2000 years and more than 900 substances have [...]

Ganoderma mushroom synthesis2023-08-08T12:20:53+00:00

The worlds of big scale reactors and electrochemistry


Sometimes we explore new worlds and team up together. After having a look into the big scale labs of neighboring company Symeres our lab manager Paulien had a 2L reactor setup build. Shown here excitingly by our new PhD Imke Bartels, ready to go from milligram scale to "there's no limit-scale". And on the other [...]

The worlds of big scale reactors and electrochemistry2023-08-08T09:05:05+00:00