On-going research

Home/On-going research

Minnaard’s AMMODO Award


In an inspiring celebration of innovation and collaboration in organic chemistry, Professor Adri Minnaard, along with his colleagues Professor Branch Moody (Harvard University), and Dr. Ildiko van Rhijn (Utrecht University) from the Lipidomics Team, has been honored with the prestigious AMMODO award for their groundbreaking research on tuberculosis. This award not only acknowledges their contributions [...]

Minnaard’s AMMODO Award2024-09-13T10:34:34+00:00

Ganoderma mushroom synthesis


For the first time, a number of substances from the mushroom family Ganoderma have been combined in a total synthesis. Read all about it in our article in the European Journal of Organic Chemistry. The Ganoderma mushrooms have been used in traditional East Asian medicine for over 2000 years and more than 900 substances have [...]

Ganoderma mushroom synthesis2023-08-08T12:20:53+00:00

Front page C2W


Check out the article published in C2W Vakblad voor chemie en life sciences, 10/2021, p.18-21. about our journey synthesizing crenarchaeol.   Holzheimer, M., Damsté, J. S. S., Schouten, S., Havenith, R. W. A., Cunha, A. V., & Minnaard, A. J. (2021). Total Synthesis of the Alleged Structure of Crenarchaeol enables Structure Revision. Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English), 60(32), [...]

Front page C2W2022-09-06T18:14:09+00:00