New equipment

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The worlds of big scale reactors and electrochemistry


Sometimes we explore new worlds and team up together. After having a look into the big scale labs of neighboring company Symeres our lab manager Paulien had a 2L reactor setup build. Shown here excitingly by our new PhD Imke Bartels, ready to go from milligram scale to "there's no limit-scale". And on the other [...]

The worlds of big scale reactors and electrochemistry2023-08-08T09:05:05+00:00

We have expanded our labs!


This year we expanded with a beautiful new lab on our floor in Linnaeusborg, and extra shared labs and equipment on the top floor welcoming multiple new research groups. You can read all about the expansion here. The additional lab provides us with an extra 10 fume hoods. Lots of space for growth, and with [...]

We have expanded our labs!2023-01-10T16:08:41+00:00