

NEWS Minnaard group

Mira Holzheimer wins the KNCV-Backer prize 2021

  The KNCV-Backer Prize is awarded annually to the best PhD thesis in the field of organic chemistry that was defended in the Netherlands. The Committee consisted of Marthe Walvoort [...]

Symposium Wageningen 2022

Our group members Niels Reintjens , Prathap Kaniraj and Ruben Andringa  gave lectures during the yearly Wageningen Symposium. The topics included: 'Protection group-free reductive chlorination and thiolation of glycosides via trityl [...]

Front page C2W

Check out the article published in C2W Vakblad voor chemie en life sciences, 10/2021, p.18-21. about our journey synthesizing crenarchaeol.   Holzheimer, M., Damsté, J. S. S., Schouten, S., Havenith, [...]

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